Founder & CEO

Srijat Mishra is the pioneer of full blown feature rich education ERPs in the country and has been instrumental in many premier schools and institutes maintaining their edge through technology leadership. He was among the first to introduce professional consulting services into the education sector and has helped set-up universities from scratch. Srijat constantly explores new models to help the education space deliver greater value to the society at large. He envisions a society where teaching and learning are end in themselves for long term economic growth. He is currently leading this transformation, with Vordurja as its vehicle, and hopes to touch millions of lives in the process

Vordurja's ecosystem

Vordurja would like to see itself as a buzzing teaching-learning eco-system of cutting edge tools, high quality content, online course used by teachers, learners and education institutes..


Vordurja, which signifies the invincibility of knowledge, provides a holistic a tech platform taking care of the learning and management needs of education organizations, learners and tutors. Vordurja also curates immersion and learning programs school/college students and working professionals.

Vordurja eco-sytem consists of three distinct pillars.

  • Greyells Platform – full blown feature rich premium Education ERP for schools, colleges and universities

  • Vord 2.0 - freemium ubiquitous solution for all stakeholders with - student life-cycle, demand generation, content development capabilities for individual tutotrs, small schools and colleges.

  • Vordurja's Learning Program – variety of curated programs ranging from immersion/exposure to deep capacity building. Caters to the needs of students, working professionals and employers..

  • Education Consulting - Vordurja has 2 decades of deep experience in turnkey establishment and management of greenfield educational projects and performance enhancement of existing ones.

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Greycells platform

Greycells Greycells is a feature rich Education ERP implemented in premier institutions for more than 10 years. Its precursor was a product called e-IMS which was India’s earliest education ERPs.

Greycells has about 35 modules and takes care of academic, financial, establishment, HR, collaboration/notifications etc needs. It is designed for fast integration with 3rd party solutions - biometric, payment gateway, question bank, GPS tracking solutions

Vordurja's Learning Programs make our portal unique

Flagship Program - Software Development Training

We provide corporate training solutions to Hire candidates with the defined profile, Measurably improve workplace productivity, Empower candidates, support growth, identify and bridge skill gaps, And most importantly, it can eliminate the need for training employees individually.

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Great team to partner with – total commitment to time lines and passion for excellence. They have an effective working model which has made a huge impact on our team hiring, training and productivity.

Subhojit Basu Arrowleaf Solutions

Type of courses


Awareness programs will aim at giving exposure through short courses, projects talks or tours. The programs are meant for anyone eager to pick up basic knowledge in a particular area. These programs will be useful to whet the curiosity of students in a particular subject before introducing them to deeper concepts. The target students may be K12 or graduate students.


Competency programs will impart specific skills to the trainees selected by the sponsoring companies. The target students may be freshers and/or working professionals. The engagement duration will be between 2-12 weeks. As a part of Competency Programs, Vordurja also plans to launch internship and mentorship programs for students and corporates


Expertise programs will be 6-18 months credit courses blended with the University curriculum. The individual courses will be launched together with partnering Universities. The courses will be designed for industry needs and curated for specific companies who offer confirmed placements to the participating students.

Education Consulting

Vordurja has 2 decades of deep experience in turnkey establishment and management of greenfield educational projects and performance enhancement of existing ones.

The services included

  • curriculum design

  • recruitment

  • preparation of statutory documents and manuals

  • academic rigour

  • external connect

  • performance enhancement

  • performance measurement (Balanced Scorecard) and brand enhancement of existing institutes

Process re-engineering for performance improvement and ERP implementation.

Feasibity Report & Digital Marketing

Vordurja has successfully helped the establishment of 5 private universities in the country.

With its rich and cross-functional experience in education sector, Vordurja is ideally placed to help an institute create a better image through digital marketing, start a new school/course/faculty based on the industry or societal demand, provide employability skills to it’s students and help it have an edge over competitors by making effective use of latest technologies.


We are excited to share our expertise, with start-ups and small/mid-sized, to help them build MVPs and products, revamp legacy products, build teams, launch digital marketing campaigns, modernize their cloud infrastructure and set-up robust security systems...

Take a look at our blogs

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Press Release January, 2016
Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) projects

Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) projects, some of which can take over two to three years to set up, can streamline an institution's processes, enhance workflow and establish the foundation for new systems.